ZUZANA PETRÁKOVÁ (b. 1983) studied visual arts at the Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava. The central themes of her work revolve around the intimacy of existence, interpersonal relationships, and the presence of people within landscapes. Through painting, she explores expressive forms that depict the spiritual and psychological aspects of the human soul. Her artworks are characterized by a palette of pink, gray, and earthy neutral tones, creating a sense of softness and tranquility. As she gradually builds her paintings, she delves into deeper layers of human identity, values, and relationships. For her, painting as a medium is synonymous with the natural flow of life.
Zuzana draws inspiration partially from her own life and personal experiences, shaping them to best capture the emotions she has lived through. She approaches the figure expressively, deliberately omitting unnecessary details and working with a limited color palette. In her paintings, she follows the flow of lines that extend across the canvas, as if the depicted story continues beyond the painting itself. She creates through a gradual layering process, seeking balance in expression, composition, and color. She lives and works in Bratislava.
2022 Spojenia (solo exhibition, Galéria Topoľčany, Slovakia)
2021 (Self)Love (Gallery 1202, Gilroy, California)
2021 Connections (online solo exhibition, Dagaz Gallery, New South Wales, Australia)
2021 Affinity (Group online exhibition, Pepney Gallery, Cavan, Ireland)
2020 In Isolation Together (Group online exhibition, Artcore Gallery, Derby, UK)
2020 Intimists 5 (Group online exhibition, La Fenice Gallery, Hong Kong, China)
2020 Early Dawn 1/20 (Group online exhibition, Dagaz Gallery, New South Wales, Australia)
2019 ObJAV (collective exhibition, Happy Melon Gallery, Smolenice, Slovakia) 2018 Atlantis (individual exhibition, Sawtell Framing & Beachscapes Gallery, New South Wales, Australia)
2017 Four Suns (individual exhibition, FUGA, Bratislava, Slovakia) 2017 O.Z.O.R.A. (collective exhibition, Dádpuszta, Hungary ) 2017 Minimal (individual exhibition, AvrahKedavra, Bratislava, Slovakia) 2014 Organic (Shisha Chill, Bratislava, Slovakia) 2011 Perla dell’Adriatico (collective exhibition, Grottammare, Italy) 2011 Deň Len (collective exhibition, Bratislava, Slovakia) 2011 Stopy po dotykoch mojej duše/Traces of soul’s touch (individual exhibition, Bratislava, Slovakia) 2011 Chvála Bláznivosti/The praise of folly (collective exhibition, Bratislava, Slovakia – Nitra) 2011 San Crispino (Porto Sant’ Elpidio, Italy)